5 Top Tips on travelling during the Coronavirus pandemic …

Annoyingly so, travelling has become that bit more difficult and that bit more stressful due to Coronavirus. However, here are my top tips in order to have a more simplified and relaxing experience.

1. Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize! I really can’t emphasise this enough. Sanitize everywhere you go, even if you have been vaccinated this is still a good thing to do. Particularly the plane seats, armrests, tv screens as they say they ‘thoroughly sanitize all our aircrafts’ but you never really know for sure. The sanitizing wipes come in really handy and aren’t so drying for your skin! Also, be sure to pick up sanitizers and wipes beforehand as they charge a premium at the airport.

2. Take lots of extra masks with you! I personally prefer to change my mask every couple of hours to help prevent the ‘mascne’, but you are meant to change them every time you remove it to eat or drink!

3. Check the entry requirements for the country you are going to. It’s very easy to check a week before you go and think that it will be fine, but the reality is that things are changing so quickly with the virus and entry regulations, and you don’t want to get caught out!

4. An easy one to get confused with is PCR tests! Many airlines/destinations require you to have a valid PCR test to board a flight. Make sure that your PCR test is still valid and in the 72-hour window (or whichever window is specified) when you will be going through immigration at your destination. As this is where they will be checking more carefully. Also make sure to know if they will accept electronic copies of the test results or if they will only take print outs, most airports are able to do this for a small fee.

5. Being aware of government restrictions of the country you are leaving/flying to as although your country may be open with no quarantine but the country you are travelling may just do. Your favourite country could be open but not your favourite bar/restaurant!

I know this all sounds very doom and gloom, but I promise you it’s not all bad! Having travelled many times myself in the pandemic I can honestly say that it’s been very uneventful, thankfully. The flights are a lot emptier (I’ve always been able to have spare seats next to me) and no more queues for security and immigration! My advice is just to make sure you do your research, and it should be a smooth experience (fingers crossed).